Friday 3 February 2017

The next big thing on the technological business for the year 2020

What do you think will be the next big thing on the technological business for the year 2020?

Maybe there will be an unlimited free data and storage in all location. May be most of us want an unlimited Wi-Fi hotspot in all destination we want. Maybe there will no a human worker. In terms of business, maybe all stores are online.

As what Rupert Murdoch's quotation that "the world is changing fast..", the technology is hanging faster. We may don't know what big technologies will be created for tomorrow.

Do you agree with Rupert Murdoch's quote?

"The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow." - Rupert Murdoch

For me, I agree with that quote. The physical appearance of the business is not important, what matters the most is how the business runs. It is useless if your big but the employers and/or the employees itself is unproductive because of the slow way of managing their staff. Therefore, "big will not beat small anymore, it will be the fast beating the slow."

Tuesday 17 January 2017

What are the Things to be Considered in Starting or Creating a Business?

Creating a new business is not easy. There are many factors that is need to be considered but I will just mention five factors.

1. Business Plan. Creating a new business plan can be tiresome, but it is very important because it may affect your business. before you start a business, you must first plan on what you are going to do with your business and on how to maintain it.

2. Research. After planning a business, do an additional research to find out how to make your idea a reality. Here are some questions you must ask to yourself: Do I need a retail space? Do I need licenses, insurance, and/or permits? How will I initially fund business expenses? How will I obtain and store my product? How will customers discover my products, and how they buy and receive my product?

3. Money. Starting a business requires cash up front and extra money in case of emergency or extra problems on your business.

4. Patience. If you finally establish the business, do not expect to have a profit immediately. Have patience to it. Also, expect mistakes and realize that your business is not totally perfect and encourage yourself to have more patience to make you business perfect.

5. Time. And the fifth one is you time. You have to spend more time to manage your new business and to manage your employees if you have.

Monday 16 January 2017

Differentiate: Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur, Technopreneur, Innovator, and Manager

Entrepreneur refers to a person who set up own business with a new idea or concept that uses own resources raised by himself and creating a leading position in the market.

Intrapreneur refers to an employee of the organization who is incharge of undertaking innovations in product, service, process and others that uses resources provided by the company. They change and renew the existing organizational system and culture.

Technopreneurs are entrepreneurs that using technology. They are usually developers, has a greater potential for success and they generally need generalists. Technopreneurs often need people with broader skill sets.

Innovator is a person who introduces new methods, new products, and new ideas or ways of doing things.

Manager is someone who manages or takes charge of company or organization. A manager often has a staff of people who report to him.

Why Do We Need An Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneur is an individual who runs a business and assumes all the risks and rewards of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale. We need an entrepreneur since it is commonly seen as a leader of a business, innovator of new ideas and business processes.

Entrepreneurs are the individuals who create new businesses and in result it create new employment, new job for the unemployed people in society. Entrepreneurs add to national income that they literally generate new wealth. new and improved products and offerings from entrepreneurs enable new markets to be developed. In addition, there will be an increased employment and higher earnings contribute to national income in form of higher tax revenue and higher government spending and that revenue can be used by the government to invest, struggling sectors and human capital.