Monday 16 January 2017

Differentiate: Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur, Technopreneur, Innovator, and Manager

Entrepreneur refers to a person who set up own business with a new idea or concept that uses own resources raised by himself and creating a leading position in the market.

Intrapreneur refers to an employee of the organization who is incharge of undertaking innovations in product, service, process and others that uses resources provided by the company. They change and renew the existing organizational system and culture.

Technopreneurs are entrepreneurs that using technology. They are usually developers, has a greater potential for success and they generally need generalists. Technopreneurs often need people with broader skill sets.

Innovator is a person who introduces new methods, new products, and new ideas or ways of doing things.

Manager is someone who manages or takes charge of company or organization. A manager often has a staff of people who report to him.

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